Sunday, January 1, 2012

New Year's Day - 2012

I know I haven’t written anything in a while. Just smack me! I resolve to write a blog at least once a week in 2012, starting today. Now that Mom has made a significant recovery from her heart attack, the broken wrist debacle is almost over, and typing is back to a degree of comfort I can live with, things are looking up. I’ve made significant progress on “Finding Quincy Michigan” and hope to move forward quickly with the remainder of the story. I’m attempting to do at least 1000 words per day. This is not a resolution, just something I’m working toward.

Of course, I also need to make significant progress on the Mr. Whipple’s Woodchuck series AND come up with a business plan, website, and other business type stuff for the postcard book. I guess I’ve got my work cut out for me for the next several months. What I mean by that is that I have to make time to do these things in the next several months. I foresee a writing escape trip or two in my future.

I did make a resolution for the learn how to use the camera I got for 20 years of service at work. I think I can accomplish that one small thing! I fail to understand how I can work my way all around a computer and all the software programs I use and yet become confounded by a new camera or a new phone.

All that aside, I bid a good welcome to 2012. May it be the best year ever.

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