Wednesday, April 13, 2011

X-Factor Audition...yes I am that adventurous!

After a long and uneventful drive from Ohio to New Jersey, we (my future son-in-law, Gary and myself) arrived at my son's house without killing each other or cancelling the upcoming nuptuals. We ate a lovely dinner, talked, and crashed early in anticipation of getting to the Prudential Center at 5:30 a.m. All information indicated that no one would be allowed to camp or gather before the 6:00 a.m. line-up. Right! People evidently started showing up at 10:00 p.m. Monday night! When we arrived, 3-5 thousand people were already in line. We stood and waited from 5:30 until 9:30 in rain, wind, and 43 degree temps, until we finally got inside. An additional 4-5 thousand were still waiting behind us as we left. Then we hiked 1.7 miles back to Chris's house. We're both still moving, though a bit more slowly. If we both don't get pneumonia or laryngitis from the wristband experience, it will be a miracle. On the other hand, perhaps the harsh conditions will weed out the less hardy stock and reduce the number of competitors. Plenty of people abandoned their spots in line prior to getting anywhere near the venue. Can't blame them. I wanted to leave too. But I drove 8 hours to take the opportunity, so I am determined to stick it out. Hopefully tomorrow will go better, albeit less painfully! More to come!

1 comment:

  1. Hi Cuz. It was great seeing you last week. I am looking forward to the telling of this adventure!! Love you. Colleen
