Monday, January 23, 2012

Gabrielle Giffords

Representative Gabrielle Giffords is resigning from Congress. To me, this is a huge, but hopefully temporary, loss. We need people in congress who are bright, capable, determined, and never give up. We need people in congress who are willing to cross party lines and work together. 

I was mortified when the shooting happened last year. It was a deranged and unthinkable act. I was angry that Gabby had been reduced to a state of having to relearn how to walk, talk, and otherwise function. I was very happy to see how far she had come in that Diane Sawyer interview last fall…and thrilled with the Gabby who made such a succinct announcement of her intention to resign until she feels recovered enough to continue her work for the people of this country. She has made an astounding recovery to date, and I am certain that with her determination and positive attitude, she will once again run for a congressional or senate seat a few short years down the road.

Here's to Gabrielle Giffords. The rest of congress needs to wake up and take a lesson in life, courage, and conviction from this remarkable woman.

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